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takin:cite [2016/12/15 11:43] – created pcermaktakin:cite [2023/08/29 13:58] (current) – [BibTex:] tweber
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-{{ :takin:cite.svg?nolink&120}}+{{ :takin:cite2.svg?nolink&120}}
 ====== Conditions of use ====== ====== Conditions of use ======
-If you have used Takin, please cite the following article: \\+If you have used Takin, please cite the following: \\ 
 +**Update 2.5 to "Takin: An open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis", (PII: S2352711016300152)** \\ 
 +Tobias Weber, **SoftwareX** 23 (2023) 101471 \\ 
 +**Update 2.0 to "Takin: An open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis", (PII: S2352711016300152)** \\ 
 +Tobias Weber, **SoftwareX** 14 (2021) 100667 \\ 
 +**Update 1.5 to "Takin: An open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis", (PII: S2352711016300152)** \\ 
 +Tobias Weber, **SoftwareX** 6 (2017), pp. 148-149 \\ 
 **Takin: An open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis** \\ **Takin: An open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis** \\
-Tobias Weber, Robert Georgii, Peter Böni, **SoftwareX** 5 (2016) 121-126 \\+Tobias Weber, Robert Georgii, Peter Böni, **SoftwareX** 5 (2016), pp. 121-126 \\
 [[]] [[]]
 +**Takin -- an inelastic neutron scattering software suite** \\
 +Tobias Weber (2014 -- 2021) \\
 ===== BibTex: ===== ===== BibTex: =====
-title = "Takin: An open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis "+ title = {{Update 2.5 to ``Takin: An open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis, (PII: S2352711016300152)''}}
-journal = "SoftwareX ", + journal = "SoftwareX", 
-volume = "5", + volume = "23", 
-number = "", + pages = "101471", 
-pages = "121 126", + year = "2023", 
-year = "2016", + issn = "2352-7110", 
-note = "", + doi = {10.1016/j.softx.2023.101471}, 
-issn = "2352-7110", + url = "", 
-doi = "", + author = "T. Weber", 
-url = "", +}</file> 
-author = "Tobias Weber and Robert Georgii and Peter Böni", + 
-keywords = "Triple-axis spectroscopy", +<file>@article{Takin2021, 
-keywords = "Instrument control", + title = {{Update 2.0 to ``Takin: An open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis, (PII: S2352711016300152)''}}, 
-keywords = "Reciprocal and real space visualisation", + journal = "SoftwareX", 
-keywords = "Instrument resolution", + volume = "14", 
-keywords = "Resolution convolution + pages = "100667", 
-}</file> + year = "2021", 
 + issn = "2352-7110", 
 + doi = {10.1016/j.softx.2021.100667}, 
 + url = "", 
 + author = "T. Weber", 
 + title = {{Update 1.5 to ``Takin: An open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis, (PII: S2352711016300152)''}}, 
 + journal = "SoftwareX", 
 + volume = "6", 
 + pages = "148 -- 149", 
 + year = "2017", 
 + issn = "2352-7110", 
 + doi = "10.1016/j.softx.2017.06.002", 
 + url = "", 
 + author = "T. Weber", 
 + title = {{Takin: An open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis}}, 
 + journal = "SoftwareX ", 
 + volume = "5", 
 + pages = "121 -- 126", 
 + year = "2016", 
 + issn = "2352-7110", 
 + doi = "10.1016/j.softx.2016.06.002", 
 + url {}, 
 + author = {T. Weber and R. Georgii and P. B\"oni}, 
 + title = {{Takin -- an inelastic neutron scattering suite (software)}}, 
 + author = {T. Weber}, 
 + year = {2014--2023}, 
 + url = {}, 
 + doi = "10.5281/zenodo.4117437", 
takin/cite.1481802209.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/12/15 11:43 by pcermak