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Welcome to Takin

Takin is an open-source software for experiment planning, visualisation, and data analysis.

Selected features

Takin tool is mainly used for three axis neutron experiments. It is able to

  • plan accessible Q-E space of TAS experiment
  • visualize resolution ellipsis
  • connect to NICOS instrument control software
  • convolute models with instrument resolution
  • compare different analytical resolution models

See all features


Takin is available as open source software. You can either compile it yourself from public GIT repository or use compiled versions for mainly used operating systems.

How to?

For beginners or advanced users, we provide resources to learn how to use Takin.

Conditions of use

If you have used Takin, please cite the following articles:

citation for download

takin/index.1539196534.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/10 18:35 by Tobias Weber