====== Panda ======
Hi and welcome on PANDA! We hope that you will like our instrument.
PANDA team - Astrid, Lukas
===== News =====
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* Preparing the upcoming cycle with thermal neutrons: Installing Cu-111-mono to reach higher energy transers, and Si-111-mono.
* We had a very successful I2NS workshop: https://workshops.ill.fr/event/252/ - thanks to all speakers, participants and organizers!.
* MLZ has a slogan: Neutrons for Research and Innovation
* Rajesh Dutta published his results on multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7 under external magnetic fields. Thanks to Rajesh and the team: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L020403.
* Please find the extended abstract here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.07716
* Mario presented part of the PAND-AI work at CAMERA-workshop: “Autonomous Discovery in Science and Engineering”. Please find the extended abstract here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.07716
* We moved to the offices in building UYL. Please note our new phone numbers.
* The first 2021 paper was published by Anton, Dmytro and coworkers. Congratulations and many thanks! https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.103.024447
* Igor left the Pand group. All the best, Igor!
===== Publications =====
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Panda publications represent results on magnetic exciations and phonons in
* strongly correlated systems
* frustrated systems
* superconductors
* other model materials
* multiferroic materials
and on hybridization effects of phonons and magnetic exciationa.\\
See also [[https://scholar.google.de/citations?hl=de&user=4RLsNy4AAAAJ|PANDA at Google scholar]]!\\
[[panda:publications|Show Publications section]]
===== Newcomer guide =====
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Are you new to PANDA? You should read our short introduction guide, where you will learn:
* about our accessible energy-moment space
* about our resolution limits
* how to write a proposal
* how to prepare sample and sample holder
* [[panda:startexp|how to start your experiment]]
* [[panda:map|how to reach us]]
[[guide|Learn more about PANDA]]
===== Sample Environment =====
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Reaching low temperatures, high magnetic field and high pressures brings serious limitation for sample size and signal/noise ratio. If you consider application of special sample environment (everything below 3 K and/or with magnetic field), you should read about our limitations.
* dimensions of the cryostats
* usual cooling times
* restrictions in movement and reachable Q/E space
* remarks about available high field magnets
[[panda:se|Show Sample Environment section]]
===== Simulations =====
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If you want to learn details about PANDA, the best is to use our prepared configuration files for neutron raytracing programs.
* McStas code
* Simres code
[[:panda:simulation|more in simulations section]]
===== Data analysis =====
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After the experiment, you usually obtain only a few kB of well formated ASCII data produced by our instrument control software NICOS.
* Matlab macro to read datafiles with metadata
* Python macro to read datafiles with metadata
* UFit suite to do advanced data analysis and evaluation
* TAKIN for resolution calculation and fitting
[[:panda:analysis|data analysis section]]
===== What's happening at PANDA =====
Check out Panda at X: https://x.com/PandaMlz
===== Former members =====
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Here you can find the former members of the team and where to find them now:
* Michal Stekiel - JCNS at MLZ, FZ Jülich - TOPAS at MLZ - https://mlz-garching.de/topas/de
* Chris Franz - JCNS at MLZ, FZ Jülich - T-REX at ESS - https://www.fz-juelich.de/de/jcns/abteilungen/abteilungen/instruments-for-ess/instruments/t-rex
* Igor Radelytskyi - Infineon Technologies
* Petr Cermak - Carles University Prague, Low temperature magnetic laboratory MGML - https://cermak.science/
* Benqiong Liu - Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry: Mianyang, Sichuan, CN
* Enrico Faulhaber MLZ - TU München, Nicos team https://nicos-controls.org/
* Niels Pyka - GSI, Subproject SIS100/SIS18 (SIS)
* Roland Schedler - Experimental Physik, Siemens
* Martin Rotter - www.mcphase.de
* Peter Link MLZ - TU München, head of Neutron Optics - https://mlz-garching.de/wissenschaft-und-projekte/instrumentservice/neutronenoptik.html
* Michael Loewenhaupt, TU Dresden - https://www.researchgate.net/profile/M_Loewenhaupt
===== Long-term guests on Panda =====
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List of long-term guests on Panda (when) and their current affiliation:
* Anton Kulbakov (2019-2020), TU Dresden,
* Ben-Qiong Liu (2016-2018), now China Academy of Engineering Physics · Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, Mianyang 621900, People's Republic of China
* Iwan Sumirat (2014), now Leader of Neutron Triple Axis Spectroscopy Group, Neutron Beam Technology Division, Center for Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia - BATAN, Indonesia
* Peng Cheng (2013/14), now Department of Physics and Beijing Key Laboratory of Opto-electronic Functional Materials & Micro-nano Devices, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
* Shiliang Li, now Professor at Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China