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Hi and welcome on PANDA! We hope that you will like our instrument.

PANDA team - Astrid, Chris, Alistair, Mario, Michal, Anton, Nikolaos and Sebastian


  • Preparing the upcoming cycle with thermal neutrons: Installing Cu-111-mono to reach higher energy transers, and Si-111-mono.
  • We had a very successful I2NS workshop: - thanks to all speakers, participants and organizers!.
  • MLZ has a slogan: Neutrons for Research and Innovation
  • Rajesh Dutta published his results on multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7 under external magnetic fields. Thanks to Rajesh and the team:
  • Please find the extended abstract here:
  • Mario presented part of the PAND-AI work at CAMERA-workshop: “Autonomous Discovery in Science and Engineering”. Please find the extended abstract here:
  • We moved to the offices in building UYL. Please note our new phone numbers.
  • The first 2021 paper was published by Anton, Dmytro and coworkers. Congratulations and many thanks!
  • Igor left the Pand group. All the best, Igor!


Panda publications represent results on magnetic exciations and phonons in

  • strongly correlated systems
  • frustrated systems
  • superconductors
  • other model materials
  • multiferroic materials

and on hybridization effects of phonons and magnetic exciationa.

See also PANDA at Google scholar!

Show Publications section

Newcomer guide

Are you new to PANDA? You should read our short introduction guide, where you will learn:

Learn more about PANDA

Sample Environment

Reaching low temperatures, high magnetic field and high pressures brings serious limitation for sample size and signal/noise ratio. If you consider application of special sample environment (everything below 3 K and/or with magnetic field), you should read about our limitations.

  • dimensions of the cryostats
  • usual cooling times
  • restrictions in movement and reachable Q/E space
  • remarks about available high field magnets

Show Sample Environment section


If you want to learn details about PANDA, the best is to use our prepared configuration files for neutron raytracing programs.

  • McStas code
  • Simres code

more in simulations section

Data analysis

After the experiment, you usually obtain only a few kB of well formated ASCII data produced by our instrument control software NICOS.

  • Matlab macro to read datafiles with metadata
  • Python macro to read datafiles with metadata
  • UFit suite to do advanced data analysis and evaluation
  • TAKIN for resolution calculation and fitting

data analysis section

What's happening at PANDA

Check out Panda at X:

Former members

Here you can find the former members of the team and where to find them now:

Long-term guests on Panda

List of long-term guests on Panda (when) and their current affiliation:

  • Anton Kulbakov (2019-2020), TU Dresden,
  • Ben-Qiong Liu (2016-2018), now China Academy of Engineering Physics · Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, Mianyang 621900, People's Republic of China
  • Iwan Sumirat (2014), now Leader of Neutron Triple Axis Spectroscopy Group, Neutron Beam Technology Division, Center for Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia - BATAN, Indonesia
  • Peng Cheng (2013/14), now Department of Physics and Beijing Key Laboratory of Opto-electronic Functional Materials & Micro-nano Devices, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
  • Shiliang Li, now Professor at Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
panda/index.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/08 15:36 by Michal Stekiel