Table of Contents

Physics with Neutrons WS 2017/2018


Wednesday, 10:00-12:00, Room: seminarroom E11 - Physik-Department II - 127 (5107.U1.127)

Slides from Lecture 1



Friday 12:00 - 14:00, Room: Tutorraum (Physik-Container, 01) (5140.01.202)

First tutorial: Friday, 17.11.2017

Contact: Dr. rer. nat. Zach Evenson

Supplementary material

08.12.17: Per request, I will provide some supplementary material below.

What is a pair correlation function? - Nice basic overview from Eric Weeks (Emory University), who deals mainly with soft matter systems.

Van Hove (1954), Correlations in Space and time and Born Approximation Scattering in Systems of Interacting Particles - Original Van Hove paper. Essential material for the derivation of the space and time-dependent pair distribution function.

De Gennes (1959), Liquid Dynamics and Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons - Seminal paper from P. De Gennes. Important for inelastic scattering in liquids.

Fischer, Barnes and Salmon (2006), Neutron and X-ray Diffraction Studies of Liquids and Glasses - Recent review article on the topic of diffraction in amorphous systems. Nice mix of theory and practice.

Laboratory Course from Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS): Experiment Manuals. - Broad overview of practical neutron scattering experiments. The chapter on TOFTOF deals with dynamics of liquids.