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Physics with Neutrons WS 2016/2017


FRM-II tour

For those who registered I sent you an e-mail with the instructions. Here again the details:

The tour will be on Friday, February 10th at 14:00. We meet at the main entrance of the FRM-II. Here’s a link where you can find the location: Click on the map. We will meet at “Empfang FRM-II”.

German students need to bring a valid ID or passport.

International students have to bring their valid passport. Other documents (e.g. residence permit) will not be accepted.

Please read the attached document carefully. Print it, sign it and bring it to the tour on Friday.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

n-lecture03/index.1486042062.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/02 13:27 by fhaslbec