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Hi and welcome at RESEDA!

RESEDA team - Johanna, Jon, Christian, Peter, Lukas


  • Christian Franz left RESEDA, we wish him all the best at PANDA


RESEDA is dedicated to the exploration of slow dynamics and fluctuations in hard and soft condensed matter systems.

See our publication section, for the latest news on instrumentation and science at RESEDA.

Show Publications section

Newcomer guide

Are you new to PANDA? You should read our short introduction guide, where you will learn:

  • about our accessible energy-moment space
  • about our resolution limits
  • how to write a proposal
  • how to prepare sample and sample holder

Learn more about RESEDA

Sample Environment

Reaching low temperatures, high magnetic field and high pressures brings serious limitation for sample size and signal/noise ratio. If you consider application of special sample environment (everything below 3 K and/or with magnetic field), you should read about our limitations.

  • dimensions of the cryostats
  • usual cooling times
  • restrictions in movement and reachable Q/E space
  • remarks about available high field magnets

Show Sample Environment section

What's happening at RESEDA?

Data analysis

Since 2019, we provide our users with our new data reduction software MIEZEPY, free available on GitHub. See the data analysis section to:

  • find out where to download MIEZEPY
  • find out how to install MIEZEPY on Linux and Windows
  • find an easy manual explaining how to use MIEZEPY

data analysis section

Former members

Here you can find the former members of the team and where to find them now:

reseda/index.1594911336.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/16 14:55 by Johanna Jochum