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Sample Environment

RESEDA offers a variety of sample environments, such as cryostats, ovens and magnets.
You can find a selection of the available options below. It is however always recommended
to discuss your specific needs with RESEDA's instrument scientists, who are always happy to
figure out the optimum setup.


One of the standard sample environments at RESEDA is a top loading CCR cryostat with an 80mm diameter.
The temperature range that can be accessed with this cryostat is between 3.5K and 310K.
Due to it's large diameter, sample size is usually not an issue with this set-up.
When considering sample size it is however a good idea to consult our reduction factor calculator.

Cryostat Inserts

  • 3He insert:
  • Dilution fridge insert:

He3 Insert (for CCR)

He3 insert can reach temperatures from 300K down to 0.35K. Cooling time to base temperature is 3-4hours. Currently running He3 insert is very automatized and is used on PANDA very often.

Dilution Insert (for CCR)

He3 insert can reach temperatures from 1K down to 80mK. Without running the dilution, it is possible to reach temperatures above 3K. But reaching stable temperatures between 1-3K is not possible. Cooling time to base temperature is roughly 6 hours. Running dilution insert requires serious effort of the sample environment team.


5.5T SANS Magnet

2.2T Magnet

12T Magnet

3T Magnet


reseda/se.1594974150.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/17 08:22 by Johanna Jochum