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Neutron lecture WS 2015/2016


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Physics with Neutrons WS 2015/2016

View on the reactor pool of FRM II. Cherenkov light is emitted from the burnt fuel element during exchange of fuel elements.

View in the neutron guide hall of MLZ.

Neutron scattering is an essential tool to adress a large variety of modern condensed matter physics problems. The range spans from questions in soft condensed matter, biology and life sciences over applied materials research and industrial applications to magnetism and strongly correlated electron systems. With FRM II at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) being operational since 2004, one of the worlds leading neutron sources is located at the heart of the campus in Garching.

This lecture will give a solid introduction into the theory of neutron scattering. The instrumentation used for neutron scattering experiments will be introduced in detail. It will be demonstrated how neutrons can be useful for condensed matter problems with the help of examplary research done at MLZ. An extended visit at FRM II and its instrumentation is foreseen.

Lecture Notes

Lecture 19.10.2015lecture_1.pdf

Lecture 26.10.2015lecture_2.pdf

Lecture 2.11.2015lecture_3.pdf

Lecture 9.11.2015lecture_4.pdf

Lecture 16.11.2015lecture_5.pdf

Lecture 23.11.2015lecture_6.pdf

Lecture 30.11.2015lecture_7.pdf

Lecture 7.12.2015lecture_8.pdf

Lecture 14.12.2015lecture_9.pdf

Lecture 21.12.2015lecture_10.pdf

Lecture 11.1.2016lecture_11.pdf

Lecture 18.1.2016lecture_12.pdf

Lecture 25.1.2016lecture_13.pdf

Lecture 1.2.2016lecture_14.pdf

Monday, 8:30-10:00, Room: seminarroom E11 - Physik-Department II - 127 (5107.U1.127)

First lecture: Monday, 19.10.2015

Contact: Dr. Sebastian Mühlbauer, +49 89 289-10748

Modul PH2053, Lehrangebot Physik-Department

Link to TUM-online



Friday 12:00 - 13:30, Room: seminarroom E21 - Physik-Department I - 2224 (5101.EG.224)

First tutorial: Friday, 23.10.2015

Contact: Lukas Karge, +49 89 289-11774

Content (Winter Term 2015/2016)

• Production of Neutron Beams

• Scattering Theory

• Nuclear Elastic Neutron Scattering: Structure Determination

• Nuclear Inelastic Neutron Scattering: Phonons

• Neutron Scattering from Disordered Systems: Gases, Liquids

Learning Outcome

After participation in the module the student is able to:

• apply the kinematic theory of elastic neutron scattering

• understand the use of various instruments for neutron scattering

• judge the use of various scattering methods for the determination of the structure of various materials

• analyse x-ray and neutron scattering diffraction data from powder and single crystals

• determine and analyse phonon dispersion curves

• determine and analyse phonon density of states

• understand diffraction data from non-crystalline materials


• Bachelor degree in physics

• suggested: course in solid state physics

• suggested: Lecture: Reaktorphysik I und Anwendungen der Kerntechnik, Friday 8:30-10:00, Room: lecture hall 3 - Physik-Department I - 2503 (5101.EG.503)

• suggested: Seminar: Methoden und Experimente in der Neutronenstreuung (PH-E21-1), Wednesday 9:00-10:30, Room: seminarroom E21 - Physik-Department I - 2224 (5101.EG.224)

Visit at FRM II

To be announced


Oral exam, 30minutes. To be held after the semester or after the summer term.


1. A. Furrer, J. Mesot, T. Strässle: Neutron Scattering in Condensed Matter Physics, World Scientific, London (2009).

2. G. L. Squires: Introduction to the Theory of Thermal Neutron Scattering, Dover Publications, N. Y. (1966).

3. S. W. Lovesey, Theory of Neutron Scattering from Condensed Matter I, Theory of Neutron Scattering from Condensed Matter II, Oxford Science Publ., Oxford (1984).

4. A. Furrer: Frontiers in Neutron Scattering, World Scientific, London (1999).

5. G. E. Bacon: Neutron Diffraction, Oxford (1962).

6. P. A. Egelstaff: Thermal Neutron Scattering, Acad. Press, London (1965).

n-lecture/index.1539154186.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/10 06:49 by Sebastian Muehlbauer