Table of Contents

Physics with Neutrons 2015/2016

View on the reactor pool of FRM II. Cherenkov light is emitted from the burnt fuel element during exchange of fuel elements.

View in the neutron guide hall of MLZ.

Neutron scattering is an essential tool to adress a large variety of modern condensed matter physics problems. The range spans from questions in soft condensed matter, biology and life sciences over applied materials research and industrial applications to magnetism and strongly correlated electron systems. With FRM II at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) being operational since 2004, one of the worlds leading neutron sources is located at the heart of the campus in Garching.

This lecture will give a solid introduction into the theory of neutron scattering. The instrumentation used for neutron scattering experiments will be introduced in detail. It will be demonstrated how neutrons can be useful for condensed matter problems with the help of examplary research done at MLZ. An extended visit at FRM II and its instrumentation is foreseen.

Contact: Dr. Sebastian Mühlbauer, +49 89 289-10748

Lecture Notes Winter Term

Lecture 19.10.2015lecture_1.pdf

Lecture 26.10.2015lecture_2.pdf

Lecture 2.11.2015lecture_3.pdf

Lecture 9.11.2015lecture_4.pdf

Lecture 16.11.2015lecture_5.pdf

Lecture 23.11.2015lecture_6.pdf

Lecture 30.11.2015lecture_7.pdf

Lecture 7.12.2015lecture_8.pdf

Lecture 14.12.2015lecture_9.pdf

Lecture 21.12.2015lecture_10.pdf

Lecture 11.1.2016lecture_11.pdf

Lecture 18.1.2016lecture_12.pdf

Lecture 25.1.2016lecture_13.pdf

Lecture 1.2.2016lecture_14.pdf

Lecture Notes Summer Term

Lecture 18.04.2016, repetition basic neutron scattering theory lecture_1.pdf

Lecture 25.04.2016, SANS: Theory, applications and extensionslecture_2.pdf

Lecture SANS, new slides, SANS: Theory, applications and extensionssans_compressed.pdf

Lecture 2.05.2016, GISANS and reflectometry lecture_3.pdf

Lecture 23.05.2016, Dynamical scattering theory lecture_4.pdf

Lecture 30.05.2016, Diffuse neutron scattering lecture_5.pdf

Lecture 6.06.2016, Diffuse neutron scattering / Magnetic neutron interaction lecture_6.pdf

Lecture 13.06.2016, Magnetic neutron interaction, diffraction on magnetic structures lecture_7.pdf

Lecture 20.06.2016, Diffraction on magnetic structures, polarized neutrons lecture_8.pdf

Lecture 27.06.2016, Polarized neutrons, 3D Polarimetry and spin waves lecture_9.pdf

Lecture 4.07.2016, Phase transitions lecture_10.pdf

Lecture 11.07.2016, Spin Echo Spectroscopy lecture_11.pdf

Content (Winter Term 2015/2016)

• Production of Neutron Beams

• Scattering Theory

• Nuclear Elastic Neutron Scattering: Structure Determination

• Nuclear Inelastic Neutron Scattering: Phonons

• Neutron Scattering from Disordered Systems: Gases, Liquids

Content (Summer Term 2016)

• VL1 Repetition of winter term, basic neutron scattering theory

• VL2 SANS, GISANS and soft matter

• VL3 Neutron optics, reflectometry and dynamical scattering theory

• VL4 Diffuse neutron scattering

• VL5 Cross sections for magnetic neutron scattering

• VL6 Magnetic elastic scattering (diffraction)

• VL7 Magnetic structures and structure analysis

• VL8 Polarized neutrons and 3d-polarimetry

• VL9 Inelastic scattering on magnetism

• VL10 Magnetic excitations Magnons, spinons…

• VL11 Phase transitions and critical phenomena as seen by neutrons

• VL12 Spin echo spectrocopy


1. A. Furrer, J. Mesot, T. Strässle: Neutron Scattering in Condensed Matter Physics, World Scientific, London (2009).

2. G. L. Squires: Introduction to the Theory of Thermal Neutron Scattering, Dover Publications, N. Y. (1966).

3. S. W. Lovesey, Theory of Neutron Scattering from Condensed Matter I, Theory of Neutron Scattering from Condensed Matter II, Oxford Science Publ., Oxford (1984).

4. A. Furrer: Frontiers in Neutron Scattering, World Scientific, London (1999).

5. G. E. Bacon: Neutron Diffraction, Oxford (1962).

6. P. A. Egelstaff: Thermal Neutron Scattering, Acad. Press, London (1965).

MLZ Garching

Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France

Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland

European Spallation Souce ESS, Lund, Sweden

NIST Center for Neutron Research, Gaithersburg, USA

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA

ISIS Neutron Research, STFC, UK